Thursday, March 22, 2018

Day 7 - Miriam, Moses, and the Mother

I was tired this morning.  I stayed there on my knees for about 10 minutes just trying to get my body to come to life.  Eventually it woke up and I made my way to my Bible.

Exodus 2:7-8 (Read Exodus 2:1-10 for context)

Then the baby’s sister approached the princess. “Should I go and find one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you?” she asked.
“Yes, do!” the princess replied. So the girl went and called the baby’s mother.

2. Pore over the passage and paraphrase the major point:

- Moses' mother knew she had a special baby (how?)
- When she could no longer hide him (Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew males to be drowned), she made a waterproof basket and put him in the Nile River.
- Miriam, Moses' sister, watched him.
- Pharoah's daughter saw the baby.  She could have brought him to those killing the boys.  Instead, she felt sorry for him.
- Miriam approached Pharaoh's daughter... how brave!!  She asked if she could find a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby... brave again!!
- Moses, Miriam, and the Mother were reunited.

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) Regardless of Pharaoh's order, God needed Moses protected and He did what was necessary to make that happen.  God had a plan for Moses' life and need him alive - and gave him connections to Pharaoh.
ii) God used Miriam to ensure Moses was protected.  She was a little girl but had a huge role to play in God's plan.
iii) Miriam was probably shaking with fear - how could she not be having to talk to Pharoah's daughter? Or, was she still small enough to just for and have faith and not think about it?
iv) Miriam, a little girl, was part of God's master plan.

** "Special opportunities come our way unexpectedly.  Don't let the fear of what might happen cause you to miss an opportunity.  Be alert for the opportunities God gives you and take full advantage of them." (from the verse explanation in the Study Bible). 

4. Pose the question:

- Did God, or the Mother, specifically tell Miriam to talk to Pharoah's daughter?  Scripture doesn't indicate one way or the other.  Whether yes or no, Miriam still had to get up from watching what was happening and expose herself.  She got involved because she knew it was the right thing to do.  She took initiative.

** Miriam had to stop watching from the sidelines and involve herself in the story - fear or no fear.

- What am I watching from the sidelines?  My son float aimlessly down the Nile River.
      - I have to take initiative and get him out of the Nile - fear or no fear.
- How do I get my son out of the Nile?
- What other areas of my life am I simply standing by and watching it happen?

[[ My daughter also watches my son from the sidelines - she saw him at school and was the one who spoke with both the guidance counsellor and the social worker.  She brought the help (Pharoah's daughter) to me and I did nothing.  What I should be doing is nursing my son - being intentionally involved in his schooling and his life - giving his the mothering necessary to build a strong foundation for him.]]

5. Plan obedience and pin down the date:

- Talk to my son tonight about online school.
- Call or go to the school tomorrow morning.
- Spend at least 1 hour a night nursing my son - being a real mom to him - doing homework with him - being engaged in his life.

** It's not too late to nurse him.  I must choose to be an intentional mother and stop standing on the sidelines.  I must stop having my daughter watch him while I wait at home.

6. Pray:

God, thank You for opening my eyes to see that I need to stop hiding at home.  I need to talk to Pharoah's daughter.  I need to nurse my son, whom I have neglected.  I need Your help and Your forgiveness.  Amen.

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