Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Day 6 - More About Jacob

I was tired this morning.  So tired that halfway through my Bible study I had to stop and take a nap.  I didn't snooze - I took a full on nap. 

Genesis 46: 1-4

So Jacob set out for Egypt with all his possessions. And when he came to Beersheba, he offered sacrifices to the God of his father, Isaac. During the night God spoke to him in a vision. “Jacob! Jacob!” he called.
“Here I am,” Jacob replied.
“I am God,[b] the God of your father,” the voice said. “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt, for there I will make your family into a great nation. I will go with you down to Egypt, and I will bring you back again. You will die in Egypt, but Joseph will be with you to close your eyes.”

2. Pore over the passage of paraphrase the major points:

- God identified Himself and told Jacob not to be afraid.
- God told Jacob what to do.
- God said, "I will go with you."
- God knew Jacob would be afraid, so He reassured him:
        - Don't be afraid
        - Here's the plan
        - I will go with you

- Jacob was probably nervous considering Joseph was there and he hadn't seen him for a long time.

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) Make sure the voice is God's.
ii) God wants us to trust  Him and not be afraid.  Before He told Jacob the plans He told him not to be afraid.
iii) God tells you the plan - the part He wants you to do now - not all the details but the starting point.  He also told Jacob he would die there.  God told  him the now and the end - He left out the middle.
iv) God will go with us.  He is with us everywhere we go, but there's something special about being, and walking with Him right where He wants us.

** Jacob made the plan to go to Egypt, and left for Egypt.  Then, God spoke to him in a vision.

** When new situations or surroundings frighten you, recognize that experiencing fear is normal.  To be paralyzed by fear is an indication that you question God's ability to take care of you.

4. Pose the question:

- Do I have paralyzing fear about something God asked me to do?
- Is my fear me questioning God's ability to take care of me?
- In what situations is that true?
- Like my Pastor said in his message, "Go do it" which is what Jacob did.  Then, God assured Jacob He was with him.
- What do I need to just "GO DO"?  What door do I need to just walk through?

5. Plan obedience and pin down the date:

- Be more intentional - just do it!

6. Pray:

God, You are faithful.  You are always with me.  You are Jehovah-Jireh, my Provider. You always take care of me.  Help me to be more intentional in what I do.  Help me to trust You.  You already know everything!  I want to walk with You, hand-in-hand.  Help me to hear Your voice and not be afraid.  Amen.

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