Monday, August 26, 2019

The Busy is Coming (but so are the sweaters!)

There is something about the crisper air that sets my spirit ablaze.  It makes me come alive.  I am a fall-girl at heart: there's no doubt about that!

Some of my satisfaction and joy comes from the accomplishment of reading two books over the past couple of weeks. One was a fiction book a friend suggested from the church library,  and the other was a book of interest lent to me by a friend, and it wasn't laboursome.  Grammar, to me, is never laboursome ;) [It was Eats, Shoots & Leaves]

I stopped in at the College today and I got even more excited about fall than I was already.  It is only one more week until students arrive! I am going to be there that day to welcome them and connect with them. I can't wait!  I also said hello to a few friends there, and chatted with one of the profs I will be TA'ing for this semester.  I absolutely love being a member of the Heritage family!

With this next season also comes a lot of work.  I am taking 3 seminary classes, auditing 1 class, and  the Teacher Assistant for 2 classes.  I also work 2 part-time jobs, attend a weekly Overcoming Abuse group, attend and lead at Celebrate Recovery every Friday night, see a counsellor once every two weeks, am a full-time single mom, and somehow try to maintain my sanity.  Thankfully, these are all things I have chosen and I want to do. Nonetheless, it will be an intense semester. 

I probably won't be blogging much over the next few months, for obvious reasons, but then again, I may just need to use this outlet to help maintain that sanity I mentioned earlier :D

Whatever comes, I am so incredibly grateful to be living this crazy life.  It is filled with incredible people who enrich my life.  Thank You, God, for choosing me.  Help my life to reflect Your goodness. Amen.

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