Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Being Distracted from Being Present

Distractions.  They keep me from being 'present'.  I have noticed lately just how 'not present' I have been in many situations.  My mind is going here or there when I am supposed to be listening to instructions for something, I'm scrolling mindlessly when I am supposed to be paying attention, or I am wandering around doing this or that when I should be focused.  I constantly think about the next thing instead of enjoying what is going on in the moment, I continuously have to bring myself back to the 'now' during some conversations (something I have never struggled with before), and when I need to be taking care of something that's pressing now, I find myself skipping ahead and to something that's not as urgent.

Yes, I am dealing with a lot of emotional stressors right now, which undoubtedly is a factor in my distractions, but I really don't like that I have to work so hard to be present and to enjoy the here and now.  

This propensity for distraction is not going to bode well with me once I start back to school.  I already notice that when I am reading I am thinking about checking my social media platforms.  I need to break myself of this habit!  I need to stay focused.  When I am grading papers, I can't be wondering about what so and so just posted on Instagram or what the latest trend is on Twitter.  I need to get back to a place where those things don't matter to me anymore. It's not healthy for me when the first thing I do in the morning is check who posted what on Facebook overnight.  I have to let it go.

Needless to say, social media has to go.  I'm not going to deactivate my accounts, but I am going to delete the apps from my phone.  I need to utilize self-control in this area so I can get the most of my time and the most of out of my relationships.  I am enjoying one-on-one interactions so much more lately, and I want more of that.  I am choosing to be completely engaged with the people around me.  I choose personal connections over social media.

I will check emails on a regular basis.  Emails are personal, written to me, and I enjoy connecting with people that way.  I also respond to texts since they, too, are personal to me. 

It's time to focus.  

It's time to engage.  

It's time to be present.  

After all, the present is a gift... it's time I enjoy it. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes practicing mindfulness! I am working on this too. All the best with staying present.
