Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Am I Alive?

On Saturday while I was driving over the rolling hills in God's beautiful creation, a question rolled off my lips, and the tears rolled down my cheeks...

With many women dying every single day due to intimate partner violence, why did God choose to keep me?

Look at these stats if you want to know more.

Why did God spare my life?

Again?  He's done it so many times.

1. God spared my life before I was even born.  My earthly father wanted my mother to abort me.
2. When I was a young child, I fell into a well.  The only explanation is an angel pulled me out.
3. I contemplated suicide regularly for over 25 years. Something (Someone) always stopped me.
4. I fell asleep while driving and went off the road. It was half a kilometre away from a steep river bank.
5. I lived with a volatile man for 11 years.  He could have snapped at any time.

These are just the times I know of.

I don't have an answer to the specific 'why.'  What I do know is God has a purpose for me as long as He keeps me alive.  Then, there will be a purpose in my death.

A sermon I heard on Sunday was about whether or not the actions of one person makes a difference. The conclusion is clear:

"... the thing that makes the right action effective is that it is undertaken in faith. You don’t do it because you have a guarantee that it will work but because you are willing to trust God to take what you do and multiply it through the actions of many others. But whatever you do, don’t believe the lie that this world tries to sell you that your decisions and actions don’t matter. They do."  - Rev. Scott McAndless (full sermon here)

My actions matter.

Your actions matter.

God has a purpose for each one of us.  He spared your life.  You are still here.

Perhaps you, too, have a 'why did God spare my life' question.

The 'why' is not as important as the 'who'.  Two 'who's' actually.  God and you.

God chose you.

God spared you.

God is not done with you.

What action is He asking you to take? Whatever it is, God is with you.  He is in it for eternity.

Your actions matter.

Your life matters.

You matter.

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