Saturday, March 31, 2018

Day 17 - Solomon

I got to sleep in a bit this morning.  My alarm went off at 6:30 and I got out of bed. I did something this morning that I don't usually do, which I don't think is profitable.  I sat on my bed for 20 minutes scrolling through some social media sites.  I need to hold off on checking my phone until after my Bible study.

1 Chronicles 28:20

Then David continued, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all the work related to the Temple of the Lord is finished correctly.

2. Pore over the passage and paraphrase the major points:

- Solomon was chosen by God to build the temple (1 Chr. 28: 9, 10)
- It was huge task.  The details were delicate.
- Solomon appeared to feel overwhelmed and apprehensive.
- David said to Solomon:
     * Be strong and courageous
     * Do the work
     * God is with you
     * God will not fail you or forsake you
     * God will see that the Temple is finished correctly

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) God chooses people to do work for Him.
ii) My tasks may appear bigger or smaller than someone else's, but everything God asks me to do is important.
iii) What God has chosen for me, He will see to it that it is finished correctly.
iv) I don't have to be afraid of what God has chosen me to do.  He is with me.
v) Don't focus on the fear - get to work!

4. Pose the question:

- What are some things God has chosen me to do?
- What has God chosen me to do that I find scary, detailed, and bigger than I can wrap my head around?
- Is fear stopping me from doing what God has chosen me to do?
- Do I believe that what God has chosen me for, He will equip me for, and He will see to it that it's finished correctly?

5. Plan obedience and pin down that date:

- Regardless of the fear or the size of the work, I must do what God has chosen me to do.
- Today I will take the time to chart my goals to get me to my dream - what God has called me to do.
- I will no longer procrastinate out of fear.

6. Pray:

God, thank You for choosing me to do Your work.  I'm sorry that I continue to procrastinate out of fear.  Help me to "do the work",  just like David told Solomon.  The end result is in Your hands.  Thank You for being with me.  I can be courageous because You are on my side and You will equip me.  Amen.

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