Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Day 13 - God's Pep Talk to Joshua

I thought by this stage it would be easier to get up when the alarm goes off.  But, it's not.  My old habit of snoozing wants to control my morning.  It is not a body game - it is totally a mental game.  I know I need to be more diligent at going to sleep at a decent time, which will help my body not to be tired, but I also need to keep working on taking every thought captive, like "I can snooze for a few minutes" or "My bed is so warm and cozy" or "I can skip one day of Bible Study."  Getting up instead of snoozing and spending time in God's Word has proven amazing every single day.  Today is no exception. 

Joshua 1:5-9

2. Pore over the passage and paraphrase the major points:

- God confirmed that Joshua would take the people into the promised land.

** God's Pep Talk
     - No one will stand against you!
     - I will be with you!
     - I will not fail you!
     - I will not abandon you!
     - Be strong and courageous!
     - I have chosen you!
     - Be strong and very courageous!
     - Obey the instructions - do not turn from them!
     - When you obey, you will be successful in all you do!
     - Study the Bible continually!
     - Meditate on it so you will be sure to obey it - then you will succeed!
     - Be strong and courageous!
     - Do not be afraid or discouraged!
     - The Lord your God is with you everywhere you go!

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) God is on our side.
ii) He will equip us.

*** God is with us, no matter what, but if we want to be successful, we have to do our part - read the Bible and obey it.

iii) Reading, meditating on, studying, and obeying God's Word is the foundation for success.
iv) God is with us, period.  Our success depends on us.

*** Success - not the world's standard - but in God's eyes.

4. Pose the question:

- In the world's eyes, I am successful.  I am educated and I have a good job.  There are people trying to get to where I am...  YET, I am unfulfilled.  Jesus came to this earth so I could have abundant life.  The world's stand of success has not brought me abundant life.
- What do I need to change to have Godly success and an abundant, fulfilled life?
- I was listening to a Tony Robbins video last week and he said, "Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure." - What can I do to be successful and fulfilled?

5. Plan obedience and pin down the date:

- Keep having morning Bible Study.  Get into God's Word as much as possible - listen for His voice to lead me to my next steps.

6. Pray:

God, thank You for practical Bible lessons.  Help me to read, meditate on, study, and obey Your Word more intentionally.  It truly is the greatest Book on earth.  It is living and I can find my life in it.  Thanks for the pep talk.  Amen.


Confidence by Sanctus Real

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