Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Hope in Action

2018 was the first year I chose a word for the year - Action.  As I reflect on that word today, I can see many times I have taken action in 2018.  A few stand out:

- Sharing my testimony at three Celebrate Recovery meetings in the area
- Taking my mom and my children on a trip to Newfoundland and Labrador
- Quitting a job in a good career
- Starting a Masters program at Seminary
- Becoming an apprentice Encourager Coach at Celebrate Recovery
- Starting personal counselling
- Starting a position at a church from a denomination I knew very little about
- Meeting and learning from some really incredible people that enrich my life

Overall, I feel like 2018 was a year of action, growth, and learning.  It was a good year. 

Now for 2019... my word for this year is Hope.  


The associating verse is from Romans 15:13

"Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!"

There's a song by Jason Upton called "I Build My House Upon a Stone" that I have listened to 100 times in the past few weeks.  I believe it was setting me up for 2019.  Some of the lyrics are:

To the lamb of God who knows me by my name

All the glory, all the honor, all the praise
To the One my future hope depends upon
I am trusting You, I am trusting You, my God

I've been the blind man on the road

I've been the boy running back home
I've been the sinner and the saint
But the love of God has never changed

Some questions I will ask myself on a daily basis:

- How can my story bring God's hope to others?
- What can I do to bring God's hope to others?
- Is what I am doing sharing God's hope?
- Do I speak hope?
- When people leave a conversation with me, do they feel encouraged?
- Am I listening to the Holy Spirit?

I am so excited about what God is going to do in my life this year as I focus on the Hope I have in Him! A Hope worth sharing!!

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