Friday, April 6, 2018

Speak Up

It was easier to get up this morning.  I'm thinking my body is finally accepting the fact that it is no longer a snoozing body :)

Luke 12:4-5

“Dear friends, don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot do any more to you after that. But I’ll tell you whom to fear. Fear God, who has the power to kill you and then throw you into hell.[a] Yes, he’s the one to fear.

John 7:13

13 But no one had the courage to speak favorably about him in public, for they were afraid of getting in trouble with the Jewish leaders.

John 12: 42-43

 42 Many people did believe in him, however, including some of the Jewish leaders. But they wouldn’t admit it for fear that the Pharisees would expel them from the synagogue. 43 For they loved human praise more than the praise of God.

2. Pore over the passage and paraphrase the major points:

Luke 12:4-5
- Your body is just that, a body.  A dwelling place.  A shell.  WHO you are (your soul) dwells inside your body.
- The body is not where your concern should be - it's your soul - that's what lasts forever.
- God controls where your soul spends eternity - be right with Him.  Do what pleases God.  Live for Him.
- Don't allow the fear of what people may say or do to you keep you from standing up for Jesus.

John 7:13
- The people were so afraid of the Jewish leaders that they wouldn't speak up for Jesus.
- Their testimony was stifled out of fear of man.

John 12: 42-43
- Many people believed in Jesus but wouldn't admit it out of fear of being thrown out of the synagogue.
- They loved man praise more than God praise.
- They were more concerned with making people happy and getting earthy praise than pleasing God and getting His praise.

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) Concerning myself with my soul and spirit and where I will spend eternity is more important than protecting my physical body.
ii) My body is the temple where Jesus lives, so I should take care of it, but my bigger mission needs to be having a healthy soul.
iii) My soul lasts forever - all eternity - my body will give out after only a few years - it's temporary.
iv) Have courage to speak up for Jesus!
v) Don't be afraid to talk about Him in public - especially in this this great land that I live in.  I don't have to hear getting beaten or killed.  We have freedom of speech and religion and association, yet somehow there's a fear to speak openly about God.  Why is that? The fear of how people will respond.
vi) Who cares how people will respond!  Don't quash your rights for fear of man!
vii) Why, when we say grace in public, for those who actually do that, do we pray quietly and discreetly?  Some people bow down wherever they are and pray to their god.
viii) Be bold and courageous! Stand up for Jesus!
ix) Be more concerned with what God thinks than what man thinks.
x) Praise of people will last a very short time - often minutes or even seconds!  Pleasing God and receiving His praise and acceptance is far more meaningful and will last for eternity.

4. Pose the question:

- Do I fear man more than God?
- Which is more important to me - my body or my soul?
- Do I avoid talking about Jesus out of fear of what others will say about me?
- Why does my fear of how people will respond hold more power than speaking about the One who saved and changed my life?
- I have the legal right to talk about Jesus - will I do it?
- Am I more concerned with the "quick fix" I get from receiving praise and acceptance from others than I am with obeying God and the eternal value that holds?

5. Plan obedience and pin down the date:

- Speak up!  I have the right to speak about Jesus and pray in public.
- Before doing anything, ask: Is this for temporary pleasure or eternal peace?
- If everyone else can talk about temporary things that does not matter in the light of eternity, I can talk about God who holds eternity in His hands!
- Stop being a microwave person - someone who wants the praise and acceptance right now - from others - instead of speaking up out of obedience about God and receiving praise down the road.
- My body is just a body.  Take care of it but don't live for it.
- Spirit/Soul > Flesh/Body

6. Pray:

God, thank You for all the truths You've given me this morning.  Help me to be courageous and stand up for You.  I repent of the many times I've heard people say things about You that are not true and I've sat idly by.  Give me boldness to speak up, correct false information about You, state my opinion, beliefs, and Your Word, and not be afraid of what others may say.  My belief in You is just as valid as their unbelief in You.  Help me be intentional and proactive, and not just react out of anger.  I need Your help.  I want Your eternal praise and acceptance more than the praise and acceptance of people.  Replace my fear and feelings of insignificance with boldness and courage.  You are my Lord and protector.  You died for me, help me to live boldly for You.  Amen.

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