Sunday, April 15, 2018

Fear in Review

Church was cancelled this morning.  I set my alarm for 8am, the latest I had slept in for a long time.  When the alarm went off, I reset it for 9am and got back in bed.  I am not sure why I am so tired this morning, but at 9am I easily could have reset it for 10am and went back to bed again.  But, I didn't.  Instead, I put the coffee on and sat on the couch with my Bible stuff. 

I have reached the end of my study of fear, so today I am going to do a recap of the things that stood out to me most from each lesson.  (Clicking on each title will take you to that post).

When I choose to obey and act without fear, God will protect me and I will have a great reward.

People seek silver and gold instead of the One who put the silver and gold in its place.  Instead, seek wisdom by fearing God and forsaking evil.

Abraham and Sarah Part 1 and Part 2:
God keeps His promises regardless of me trying to do it my way and doubting what God said. Don't be afraid to believe God will keep His promises.

Jacob:  (More About Jacob)
Acknowledge fear and talk to God about it.  Struggles and conflict are real - be real with God.
God says, "Don't be afraid.  Here's the plan. I will go with you." Start with the piece of the plan God has given you.

Miriam, Moses, and the Mother:
Stop watching from the sidelines and do what God chose me to do - fear or no fear.

Do what God has chosen me to do despite my fear of not being believed.

The Israelites:
When I see trouble coming: Talk to God, Reach out to a leader, Listen to the leader, Return to God.  Then: Stand still, Watch the Lord rescue me, Trust God to fight for me, Stay calm.

God and the Israelites:
God doesn't want me to be afraid of the storm.  He wants me to have a reverent fear of the Maker of the storm.

Israelites and Me:
Don't allow the fear of what could be waiting in the promised land to keep me from the God who already kept me through so much hardship.  Do not be afraid, God will fight for me, God will take care of me.

Israelites and Others:
Live life trusting that God is going ahead of me into battle, instead of fearing the battle itself.

God is with me no matter what, but if I want to be successful (God's standard, not the world's), then I have to do my part.

Having fear doesn't excuse us from doing what God asks us to do.  Knowledge can dissipate fear.  God can use your enemies to encourage you - even if they don't know it.

I will choose what I want, and not just agree to make someone else happy or keep them from getting angry.  I will take actions because God is with me and I don't need to fear.

Fear doesn't have to stop me from taking a stand for God and standing my ground.  Victory is mine.

I don't have to be afraid of what God has chosen me to do.  He is with me.  Don't focus on the fear, or the size of the task - get to work!

I can respond truthfully when I am asked how I am doing, even if I'm scared to be honest.

If I want to live in safety, I must trust in God and stop fearing man.  God will provide and He is my Protector.

The Disciples Part 1 and Part 2:
Jesus sees when I struggle and puts Himself close enough to me that all I need to do is look up and see Him.

Types of Living:
If I work only to achieve what this world considers "living" then I have missed the mark.

Speak Up:
Be more concerned with obeying God, and the eternal value that holds, than with the "quick fix" that comes with receiving praise and acceptance from others.

When people are influencing me to take on positions that I am not ready for, or that I believe is not God's timing, I can have the courage to say 'no' and walk away.  Waiting is a part of living.

Fear Prison:
God sent His Son, Jesus, to pull me out of Fear Prison.  Don't put myself back there by retreating when there is opposition.

Power > Fear:
The more I use the gifts God gave me, with power, the less fear I will have.

This study on fear has taught me incredible lessons.  It taught me a new way to live.  It presented truths to me that I had never fully grasped before.  The problem is not the initial feeling of fear - everyone has that, even Biblical giants - it is what I choose to do with that feeling.  Will it debilitate me and keep me from moving forward in what God has chosen me to do?  Or, will I go to God with it and use the power and gifts He has given me to pursue my purpose and calling? 

I am Paula and I choose Faith and Power over Fear.

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