Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Day 21 - The Disciples Part 2

I made it!  The challenge put to us leaders was to do a 21 day fast.  And, I did it!  For 21 days, I have not pushed a snooze button. I got up when the alarm went off.  I have done Bible study every morning for 21 days.  

Now what?  Because I competed the challenge, does that mean I go back to my old behaviours? No! I greatly enjoy my mornings now!  I got up at 5:30 this morning because I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get study in.  God has taught me so much over the past 3 weeks - and I anticipate what He still has in store for me as I continue to be obedient.

Yesterday's passage is Mark 6:47-50.  To see Part 1, click here.

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) The disciples still had a life.
ii) Jesus had left to go pray, but when the disciples were in trouble, He was right there.
iii) Jesus saw the disciples struggling - the storm was strong
iv) Jesus decided to walk near enough to the disciples that they could see Him, and choose to call out if they wanted help.
v) Jesus didn't walk up to the boat and demand they let Him help.
vi) Jesus made Himself available/present/seen and the disciples had to choose how/if they would respond.
vii) The disciples didn't recognize Jesus and thought He was something that He wasn't.  That terrified them.

** As I go about my daily life, Jesus is watching me.  He sees when I struggle and He puts Himself near enough to me that all I need to do is look up and see Him.  He is a gentleman and won't force Himself into my struggle.  I must choose to see Him and let Him in.

4. Pose the question:

- Are there times I am so caught up in doing my own thing and struggling through the storm that I don't recognize Jesus as He walks towards me?
- How often do I try to navigate the storm myself by "rowing hard and struggling against the wind and waves" instead of looking up and seeing Jesus?
- How often am I afraid in the storm instead of being courageous because Jesus is right there with me?

** There will be storms - lots of them.  Thankfully, Jesus knows storms.  The wind and waves obey Him (verse 51).

5. Plan obedience and pin down that date:

- When I feel the storm rage around me, or inside me, and I'm rowing hard, struggling against the wind and waves, I will look up and see Jesus.  He is here!

6. Pray:

God, thank You for watching over me and being there in the storm.  Help me to recognize You and reach out to You.  Thank You for being a gentleman and not forcing Yourself into my storm, but for walking by and giving me the opportunity to see You and ask for help.  I'm sorry for the times I didn't recognize You.  Renew my eyes to see You and recognize You.  Help me to be courageous because You are with me.  Amen.


Praise You in the Storm - Casting Crowns
Walk on Water - Audio Adrenaline

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