Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Day 4 - Abraham & Sarah Part 2

6am on Sunday morning... what was I thinking??!!  After some teetering back and forth on my knees and asking God to help me stay awake, I made my way to the kitchen...

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) God keeps His word regardless of:
      - us trying to do things our way
      - us doubting what God said (or laughing at it!)

** Doubting God forfeits peace
       ** Flipside > Trusting God brings peace

ii) Doubting what God says means I believe it won't happen, or I am afraid to believe it will happen!

4. Pose the question:

- What has God told me or showed me He will do in my life that I have been afraid to believe?
- Has God told me anything that I laughed at?
- What am I afraid to believe God about?

** This is all about The Car Door for me.  If my dreams/visions are from God, perhaps I am afraid to pursue it because I doubt it will actually happen.  That robs me of the joy on the journey.

5. Plan obedience and pin down that date:

- Take steps toward my calling - don't let fear too me of the joy of the journey.  If God said it, I believe it!

6.  Pray:

God, I repent that my fear has caused me to doubt Your word.  I see what You've placed in my mind and heart, and it seems too big.  The size of my dream is making me doubt it can happen instead of trusting that because You gave me the dream, You will fulfill it.

Am I afraid to believe the plans I am making will actually happen?

I must seek the Creator of gold instead of the gold itself. 

God, help me to trust that You will work it all out and not to doubt when I think about the future.  Instead of doubting, help me rejoice in the dreams, hopes, and plans that You keep putting in my head. 

Take away my fear.  Help me to trust You.  In doing so, give me courage to take steps towards my calling and believe that You will close the door I'm not to go that way.  Amen.

** I won't know a door is open if I don't try to walk through it.

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