Sunday, March 25, 2018

Day 11 - Israelites and Me

I went to bed last night excited about what God was going to teach me this morning... and He did not disappoint.  

Deuteronomy 1: 19-43

29 “But I said to you, ‘Don’t be shocked or afraid of them! 30 The Lord your God is going ahead of you. He will fight for you, just as you saw him do in Egypt. 31 And you saw how the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you traveled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child. Now he has brought you to this place.’

2. Pore over the passage and paraphrase all major points:

- The Israelites left Mount Sinai, as the Lord told them to do
- They travelled through the great and terrifying wilderness
- When they reached the land God promised them, they became afraid
- The sent scouts in who reported the land was good
- The Israelites refused to go in.  They let their minds make up stories - reasons to not go in.  They had fears - even though this was the land God promised them
- They didn't trust God - they thought God brought them there to be slaughtered
- They feared the Amorites - taller, more powerful, giants
- They worried about the towns - large, high walls
- Moses told them not to be afraid because God will go in ahead of them
- Moses said, "God will fight for you" just like He has done before
- God will care for them the way He did while they travelled through the wilderness - like a father cares for his child
- They still refused to trust the Lord
- The Lord got angry and told them they don't get the land because of tall their complaining and lack of trust
- They tried to fix it - to get themselves into the land by fighting on their own, but God wasn't with them and they failed

3. Pull out the spiritual principles:

i) The Israelites left Mount Sinai when God told them to.
ii) While they travelled through the great and terrifying wilderness, there is no mention of them complaining or not trusting.  They kept going.
iii) The Israelites allowed fear to take over - fear of what could be waiting for them in the new land - instead of trusting in the God who already brought them through so many hardships
iv) Moses told them:  - Do not be afraid
                                   - God will fight for you
                                   - God will take care of you
v) They still complained and refused to enter the new land - made the choice not to trust and reject God and His promises.
vi) The Lord took the land away form that generation - and from Moses
- The thought they could fight on their own and get it back - they didn't have God with them so it didn't go well.
vii) They repented and gave up.

4. Pose the question:

I journeyed through the great and terrifying wilderness for the 11 years I was married to my abusive ex-husband.  Since getting out, there has still been a lot of wilderness as I try to heal from all that hurt and pain.
Now I stand at the edge of the land God promised me and I am afraid to go in.  The people in the land are giants - more powerful than me.  I feel small and insignificant compared to them.  I am afraid to step into that new land - I just keep dancing around on the edge.

What am I afraid of?
Do I not trust God - even though He has already brought me through so many hard times and has never left my side?
Do I believe that God will fight for me?
Do I believe that God will take care of me?
Will the land be taken from me if I don't choose to take God by the hand and walk in?

5. Plan obedience and pin down the date:

Stop dancing on the boundary line!  I need to either step inside and enter the land, or walk away from it.

Which will I choose?

6. Pray:

God, I want to talk into - run into - dance into - the land You have sitting right in front of me.  I admit that I am afraid.  I can't do this alone - I need You to walk with me.  I know You have so many great things in that land waiting for me.  Thank You for being patient with me.  I want to go all in.  Like a father cares for his child, I place my hand in Yours.  Put your arm around my shoulder and let us walk into this new journey together.  I trust You, God.  Amen.


Fighting for You
God Will Take Care of You

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